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Lyme Disease Articles

For various reasons, the standard testing for Lyme Disease has a very low sensitivity. This means that if you have Lyme Disease, you could have a 51% chance of being told you don’t have Lyme Disease. Clinically, it has been observed that the longer Lyme Disease and/or Co-Infections are present, the less likely it will appear as a positive test. At The AIM Clinic, we offer testing which increases the likelihood of a true positive result compared to conventional screening tests. This is because the Immunochip used for our testing is made from recombinant proteins of several species of Borrelia whereas many other western blot tests just are testing for B31. Additionally, our testing looks for other common Co-Infections from ticks including Bartonella, Babesia, Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever (TBRF), Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, and Rickettsia.

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What causes Lyme Disease?


What causes Lyme Disease? Lyme disease, or borreliosis, is triggered by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, or similar newly discovered strains such as Borellia Miyamotoi, or Borellia Recurrentis. When infected blacklegged deer ticks bite a human...
Lyme Disease


Lyme Disease It can spread across your whole body. It can hide from and hijack your immune system, just like AIDS does. It can remain dormant, stealthily undermining your health for years. Lyme Disease has...
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