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4 results - showing 1 - 4
Neurological Symptoms of Mold Exposure
Mold Toxicity, Biotoxin Illness & CIRS R RyDocs


Mold Toxicity and Neurologic Symptoms Mold toxicity from toxic mold exposure can often trigger neurologic symptoms. Many endure repeated testing without answers before pinpointing black mold or another kind of toxic mold as the culprit of their...
Bredesen Protocol
Alzheimer's Disease Dr. Jonathan Goodman, NDDr. Jonathan Goodman, ND


What is the Bredesen Protocol? Alzheimer’s Disease is the result of cognitive decline, which has many causes. Dr. Dale Bredesen, MD (1), a leading neurologist, has taken his over 30 years of clinical and research...
NovoTHOR® Therapy
NovoTHOR® Therapy Dr. Andrew Chevalier, NDDr. Andrew Chevalier, ND



Health Clinic

NovoTHOR® Therapy is a systemic Photobiomodulation Therapy used by Olympic athletes, professional NFL, MMA, and NBA players to aid their recovery and keep them at peak performance. Our mission at the...
Lyme Disease


Lyme Disease It can spread across your whole body. It can hide from and hijack your immune system, just like AIDS does. It can remain dormant, stealthily undermining your health for years. Lyme Disease has...
4 results - showing 1 - 4

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