SIBO - Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth



SIBO - Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth

If your stomach often feels so gassy and bloated that you have trouble buttoning up your pants, your intestinal inflammation may have progressed into Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). Imbalances in your gut microbiome – made up of 1,000 different species of bacteria with over 3 million genes - can cause severe health issues. Research has found that over 80% of patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome have a small intestinal bacterial overgrowth that can be treated, offering a long-term cure for what used to be a lifelong condition.

Besides severe gas, bloating, cramping, and diarrhea, SIBO symptoms may include:

  • irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • intolerances of gluten, casein, lactose, fructose, and histamine
  • chronic autoimmune dysfunctions (fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and diabetes)
  • vitamin and mineral deficiencies (vitamins A, B12, D, and E)
  • fat malabsorption (presents with pale, bulky, malodorous stools)
  • leaky gut (intestinal permeability)
  • rosacea and other skin rashes
  • migraine headaches

Finding the root cause is most often a process of hypothesis and eliminating possible causes.

SIBO may have been caused by low stomach acid, use of antibiotics or acid-blocking medications, food poisoning, hypothyroid, chronic stress, immunodeficiency, scar tissue, or a dysfunctional ileocecal valve. Our doctors may investigate and address any underlying causes that set the stage for your SIBO, which will help to prevent relapses.

What is SIBO?

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is a bacterial imbalance that occurs when the small intestine has become chronically infected with an overgrowth of bacteria. Typically, the small intestine does not house much bacteria. Still, if circumstances permit, opportunistic bacteria will make their way into the small intestine and cause an abnormal overgrowth known as SIBO.

When overgrown, certain bacterial species produce large amounts of hydrogen, methane, or hydrogen sulfide gas. This excess amount of gas production is irritating and inflammatory to the intestinal lining, where most digestion and nutrient absorption takes place. As you can guess, this results in vitamin deficiencies, immune dysregulation, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and more.

SIBO bacteria have even been noted to breakdown the body's digestive enzymes, further interfering with normal digestive processes. When SIBO disrupts the Migrating Motor Complex (an electromechanical pattern of gastrointestinal smooth muscle activity that cleans out your small intestine between meals), it slows down your motility leading to painful constipation and improper clearing of waste from the GI tract, or it can cause excess amounts of water to pour into the intestine leading to severe diarrhea.

Hydrogen-dominant SIBO typically leads to diarrhea. Methane-dominant SIBO is usually associated with constipation. Some patients have a mixture of bacteria in the small intestine that causes both diarrhea and constipation, commonly diagnosed as IBS-Mixed. Using specialty testing, in correlation with the patient's history, our doctors will detect the type and underlying root cause of your unique SIBO imbalance.

How to test for SIBO

After discussing your symptoms, health history, and physically examining and listening to your stomach – Dr. Schertell and Dr. Mauss will perform one of these diagnostics:

  • breath test: this is the most common way SIBO is diagnosed at Vibrant Health. A lactulose or glucose sugar solution is ingested and feeds your gut bacteria releasing certain gases that can be measured as you exhale
  • dysbiosis test: urine analysis detects by-products of yeast or bacteria in the small intestine
  • comprehensive stool test: detects bacteria, candida, and other yeast and parasites
  • intestinal permeability test: checks the urine for higher than normal levels of mannitol or lactulose, which confirms "leaky gut syndrome"
  • endoscopy/colonoscopy: observation of intestine functions
  • smartPill: when ordered by a gastroenterologist, this ingestible capsule measures pressure, pH, transit time, and temperature in the gastrointestinal tract
  • LPS (lipopolysaccharide) test: this blood test detects bacterial toxins in the blood that can be due to SIBO or leaky gut, and can contribute to weight gain and immune dysfunction
  • IB smart blood test: detects the anti-Cdtb and anti-vinculin antibodies of IBS in the blood

Working with practitioners who know how to treat SIBO

Our providers have treated hundreds of patients with SIBO and IBS successfully, even after multiple failed attempts elsewhere. Each patient's unique imbalance and root cause requires customizing the following steps:

Starve overgrown bacteria with a SIBO diet

Removing foods that feed in your small intestine bacteria is critical. We offer medically supervised elemental diet protocols, low FODMAP guidance, or low sulfur/high FODMAP diets for patients with suspected hydrogen sulfide SIBO. You'll be coached through a medical nutrition protocol and encouraged to enjoy non-starchy vegetables, leafy greens, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

Kill or flush out bacteria

You may be prescribed a blend of herbs or supplements such as oregano, berberine, sweet wormwood, grapefruit, barberry, bearberry, black walnut, bismuth, or other herbs to kill off the bad bacteria while rebuilding the good.

Sometimes killing stubborn pathogens requires a short antibiotic protocol, and when necessary, our doctors use a cutting-edge antibiotic treatment to rid SIBO effectively, yet unlike other antibiotics, it ONLY works in the small intestine where we need it. Amazingly, this antibiotic actually improves healthy probiotic levels in the large intestine and gets rid of SIBO at the same time. If you're questioning how that's possible, we can explain during your appointment, and we have the research and clinical experience to back it up. Using a natural biofilm treatment selected by our doctors, along with bile acid salts, may help to improve the efficacy of your SIBO protocol.

Flushing out rather than killing the bacteria is often the most thorough approach. With methane dominant SIBO, taking a prokinetic peptide, bile acid salts, or an herbal motility blend can help bring long term gut stabilization.

Restore MMC

Eating low-fermentation foods that can be more fully digested will optimize your MMC and nutrient absorption while supporting your immune system. Supplements like collagen, bone broth, and our "Vibrant Life SBI Powder" may also be prescribed to bind up the problematic bacteria and promote healing and regeneration of the intestinal lining.

Once you've rebalanced your gut biome, you'll need to avoid over the counter NSAIDs, PPI's, prescription steroids, birth control pills, and antibiotics as much as possible to prevent a relapse.

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Digestive Disorder Testimonials

Dr. Nitya Eisenheim, ND
"I’ve been dealing with Lyme Disease since June of 2017 and still suffer intermittent symptoms. I attended Dr Eisenheim’s workshop on Lyme Disease in April 2018. I was impressed with her easy to understand information and willingness to share her knowledge as well as her kind and professional demeanor so I scheduled a consult and bodywork session. She had scheduled the bodywork session after the initial consult. I had never had one done before. It was an interesting experience that surprised me when it was mostly hands off. When she came to my upper right stomach I felt slight fluttering..."
Dr. Rachel Rozelle, ND
"As a parent you always want what is best for your child, that’s a given. As a parent of a child with Autism that need intensifies. You do countless hours of research, spend ridiculous amounts of money, try everything to hold on to the hope that your child will have a chance at a fulfilling life. My son Logan is a great kid who just so happens to be on the spectrum. Some people may view him as difficult to deal with. I see him as awesome, smart, loving, and filled with potential. We..."
Dr. Andrew Chevalier, ND
"Dr. Chevalier is an awesome, kind, caring and attentive doctor. He is an excellent listener and works with his patients to understand their medical condition and to find the best possible resolution to the root cause of their issue. Dr. Chevalier is very passionate and devoted to his patients well-being. He is outstanding at explaining a medical diagnosis, a procedure or the need for medication and the associated goals/benefits that will result. Dr. Chevalier is a LLMD, with a focus on the ILADS Protocol. Dr. Chevalier regularly attends conferences on Lyme Disease to increase his expertise and to provide..."
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
"Before I came to the Nutritional Healing Center I was having problems with my bowel movements and I was constantly stuffed up + congested. I had to sleep on a certain side to open up my nasal passage so I could breathe better. I also had constant headaches from the congestion. My bowel movements continue to improve and are normal compared to what they were…. I can completely breathe out of both sides of my nose and I am no longer congested. I can’t even remember the last time I had a headache. How have these improvements changed your life?..."
Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
"I was having trouble sleeping; I would wake up 4-6 times per night and couldn’t fall back asleep. I had arthritic pain in my hips and knees, and also often felt constipated and fatigued. I am sleeping well. I can return to sleep easier if I awaken during the night, and am waking up well rested in the morning. Arthritis in my hips and knees is only present when I overdo strenuous physical activity, my bowels have returned to normal and I have more energy. I am able to return to my active lifestyle and can participate in physical activity..."
Dr. Nitya Eisenheim, ND
"After nearly completely recovering from late-stage Lyme disease, I came to Nitya for help with SIBO(small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), upper right quadrant pain, and air hunger (I kept running out of breath). After receiving her bodywork for the first time, I had relief from my daily upper right quadrant pain for more than two weeks, the longest period of relief I’d felt in a year of having the pain. And, it continued to improve. She educated me on the different options to treat the SIBO and helped me design a diet and herbal protocol that worked for me. After..."
Dr. Danny VanNoy, DC
"This guy is a magician! Before I saw Dr. Danny, I literally thought that I was dying. I was chronically fatigued, constipated with IBS style symptoms, and was having these crazy nerve sensations in my hip. I saw several other doctors who gave me steroid shots, antibiotics, laxatives and sent me for two MRIs. They couldn’t figure out what to do with me."
Dr. Tenesha Wards, DC
"I just wanted to thank Dr. Wards for all she has done for me since I started her program. My digestion is working 100% better. I haven't felt this good in years. My anxiety, hot flashes, and stomach upset are gone. Additionally, I no longer have constant pain in my neck and shoulders. Also, I took her advise and moved my bed away from the wall with the circuit breaker on the opposite side and my sleep has improved. I feel like I've almost made a full recovery. I know I'm getting there..."
Dr. Danny VanNoy, DC
"Dr. Danny put me on a program that got me feeling the best I’ve felt in years. Turns out I had a bad case of overworked adrenals and a problem with Candida yeast. With a combination of supplementation, chiropractic adjustment, and diet plans, my major symptoms started to diminish in about a month. Two months in, I wake up energized and am no longer a slave to Starbucks in the morning. My stomach issues are completely better, and I feel like I am starting to understand how certain foods affect me. I will say, the diet plans are quite intense,..."
Dr. Jonathan Goodman, ND
"I've been seeing Dr Goodman for almost a year now and am feeling so so much better! I came to him with diverticulosis and many digestive issues. He did a thorough testing of what I'm sensitive to, among other great counseling. Have to say I came to him a mess, and now feel like a million bucks! Very impressed with all his knowledge and he has a great personality as well. Highly recommend him to anyone who wants to be proactive about their health. You won't regret it!"
Dr. Joy Sturgill, ND
"I was so pleased to find Wellspring Whole Health when my eldest son began showing symptoms of some various issues with his gut, as well as anxiety. I knew that he needed help, but was at a loss to determine the best path for him. I wanted very much to keep his treatment as holistic as possible, and was so happy with the care he received from the entire team at Wellspring. Over the course of about 2 years, the team helped him to detox and to heal. My son ended up feeling significantly better, and could continue to grow..."
Dr. Nitya Eisenheim, ND
"Slowly, I was able to heal. You were able to recommend supplements and herbs to heal my stomach. Although it took awhile to get back to normal, I feel much better. No more vomiting or diarrhea. No acid reflux or back pain. Sleep is much better and my energy levels are better than before. My overall health has improved. My energy levels are better than before the stomach problems. I missed being able to work more and go out with friends. I can exercise more and have better stamina. I’m able to sleep better. My stools are always healthy...."
Dr. Emily Maiella, ND
"Dr. Maiella is one of those who shows how much she cares about her patients, and she really does. Her repertoire of medical practices is wide and she has always had something to help me. I came to her, recommended, from someone in Seattle, with bad gut problems and they are 95% cured! She has also helped me progress with combating my Lyme systems. I recommend her for anyone with long standing issues your other doctors can't help you with."
Dr. Nitya Eisenheim, ND
"I contacted Nitya to ease some of my digestive problems. I have suffered from them most of my life, so I was skeptical about any success. For a year –meeting at first weekly and then monthly — she used visceral manipulation and craniosacral therapies, as well as herbal supplements, to bring heath back to my body. The results amazed me. She also helped me combat my Lyme disease effectively. Nitya was gentle, supportive and encouraging, and I feel I a much healthier person through her intervention."
Jennifer Goldstock BSN, MSN, ANP-BC
"Jennifer has helped me through quite an uphill battle with various tick born illnesses. If you aren't getting any answers from other providers or just feel like a diagnosis is not the whole story, come here. I had IBS my whole life, and Jennifer helped me realize I had food intolerances that no other doctors (even allergists!) even tried to find out. I had been told my symptoms were in my head for years. I went to a therapy. My therapist told me to get more tests since I didn't have any obvious mental issues (after a year of seeing..."

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