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Lyme Disease Testimonials

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As cliche as it may sound, Dr. Marra saved my life. I became massively ill with Lyme disease in 2010. Dr. Marra diagnosed my disease and treated me successfully. She is incredibly intelligent and got me on the other side of a debilitating disease. I have been out of treatment for 5 years now and my life is better than ever. I have a full time job and multiple hobbies. I went from being unable to walk one block to thriving, thanks to Dr. Marra. I am grateful for her and her unwavering commitment to Lyme patients every day.

Health Issue(s) Addressed

Health Issues
Lyme Disease


Was this testimonial helpful? 0 Dr. Susan Marra, MS, ND

If you have been gaslit by tradition medicine that nothing is wrong, when you know that something is wrong. Dr. Marra is the person to work with to understand and treat what ails you.

Health Issue(s) Addressed

Health Issues
Lyme Disease


Was this testimonial helpful? 0 Dr. Susan Marra, MS, ND

Dr. Marra is literally a life saver! After going undiagnosed and being told over and over again there was nothing wrong, I was almost completely disabled. Dr. Marra brought me back to the land of the living. I had multiple infections and could barely function, but I am now a functioning happy person again. Lyme disease is such a debilitating illness and most doctors don't even believe it exists. Dr. Marra has the expertise and knowledge to diagnose and know how to treat Lyme and all the co-infections. I feel fortunate to have found her!

Health Issue(s) Addressed

Health Issues
Lyme Disease


Was this testimonial helpful? 0 Dr. Susan Marra, MS, ND

I'm grateful to Dr. Marra for treating me and helping me get my life back. I was in treatment for 10 years. When I first came in, I couldn't be out of bed for more than 2-3 hours a day due to extreme fatigue, had migraines half the time or more, regularly experienced heart palpitations, and many, many more symptoms. I was told by other Drs it was stress from being in college but finally went to a naturopath for my original diagnosis. Thankfully, because my symptoms were getting worse by the month. I went to Dr Marra for treatment and now I have a demanding full-time job, have active hobbies like running, bouldering, and paddleboarding, and have time and energy for an active social life. It all came back slowly over time, with a full-time job 3 years after starting treatment and layering in additional activities as I got better. I've been stable for 2 years now without treatment, with no sign of illness returning. A long road, but 1,000% worth it to have a full life. If you have Lyme disease and you worry that you'll never be OK again -- I see you, I was you, and I hope you find comfort and hope in knowing that it can get better. All the best wishes to you, no one deserves to deal with this awful illness.

Health Issue(s) Addressed

Health Issues
  • Chronic Fatigue (CFS/ME)
  • Lyme Disease


Was this testimonial helpful? 0 Dr. Susan Marra, MS, ND

Hopefully you get to Dr Marra for treatment sooner than I did. She understands all the ins and outs of Lyme, coinfections and the treatments therof. Her knowledge and treatment regimens have taken me from 1/2 dead feeling to 'I spent time this summer at a cottage'. It may take more time than you like but trust her process. She listens, is on time for appts, and is always respectful. She knows what matters and what does not. Trust her.

Health Issue(s) Addressed

Health Issues
Lyme Disease


Was this testimonial helpful? 0 Dr. Susan Marra, MS, ND

Dr. marra has been my doctor for years. She is helping me heal from Lyme, bartonella and babesia ( to name a few). She is attentive, kind, incredibly smart and very knowledgeable about tick borne diseases. She trained with great doctors back east, and has been working nonstop thru her own Lyme disease to help her patients. Sometimes doctors and patients don’t click; maybe that is what happened. I don’t know, but I’m here to say Dr. Marra AND her staff are wonderful.

Health Issue(s) Addressed

Health Issues
Lyme Disease


Was this testimonial helpful? 0 Dr. Susan Marra, MS, ND

I was recently diagnosed with Lyme disease and numrous other co-infections that love to hang out together with this diagnosis. No medical Dr. In the 43 years I have struggled with increasingly more symptoms ever tested for or suggested Lyme disease (or any other treatment that was helpful to symptoms except as perhaps a stopgap). I was referred to Dr. Marra by a Dr. Of Accupuncture after she reresearched Lyme literate doctors on the west coast who use blood tests to diagnose as well as patient specific treatments. She was concerned that my myriad of symptoms looked a lot like Lyme with co-infections. From the time I started treatment 3 1/2 months ago I have felt better than I have in years. I have weaned off most medications from other doctors and have more energy and feel awake more than I have in years with NO caffiene needed :).Dr. Marra has brought me back to life and I am excited for my future and that I will continue to only get better over the long haul of recovery. Dr. Marra is a rare Dr. Who I can put my trust in that she has the capabilities to find the uniqueness of my symptoms and work on them for my healing. This has been a sad, lonely and scary journey for me and I'm so grateful that I'm no longer doing it alone! Thank You Dr. Marra and Heather! If I were to get stuck in healing right now I would feel better than I have in several years. Sigh,.... Lyme and it's several debilitating Cronies may make you faint of heart, nerve , endocrine glands and a myriad of other body tissues and organs but their are Dr.s out there who can help you heal. Dr. MARRA is doing that for me.

Health Issue(s) Addressed

Health Issues
Lyme Disease


Was this testimonial helpful? 0 Dr. Susan Marra, MS, ND
226 results - showing 36 - 42
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